Thursday, April 12, 2007


I went clothes shopping today. No where fancy, just Shopko, but still. I decided I needed some "business casual" to go to the writer's conference in Omaha next month (Mayhem in the Midlands). When the majority of your life is spent in jeans and T-shirts, business casual requires new clothes.

And I HATE clothes shopping. Don't believe me? Ask my sister. Growing up, the worst part of starting school each year was actually getting the new clothes. Anyway, the kid and I went and she doesn't have my aversion to new clothes. She helped me pick out three new outfits for the conference.

So that's one more thing all ready for the conference. I so want to find an agent there. I completely doubt it will happen, but I *do* expect to find out how to get an agent. I do expect to get re-charged and come home ready to take my novel to the next level.

Man, I can't wait until this conference!

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