Saturday, April 21, 2007

Tubby. Buddy. Merlin. Arthur. Lugos. Dylan. Oscar. Magic. These were the names our newest family member had. Most of them for only about 10 minutes or so. Oscar, the name I picked. I *my* puppy. Let me explain. Everyone else has a pet — or two. The kid has two cats and a dog. Hubby has a dog. Special daughter who lives in another state has a cat here. Hmmmm....

So, as only a mean wife can, I got a little jealous. I wanted one of my own. I did some research and decided I wanted an indoor dog. (The cats are indoor, the other dogs are outdoor.) I wanted something small that I could take with me to get more exercise. Something loyal that I could play with. A dog which would easily go geocaching with me since the rest of the family doesn't like the hobby as much as I do.

So my loving hubby and I went to a local pet shop and bought Oscar. He's a 10-week old Cairn Terrier. I wanted to name him after a Celtic god, but those guys had some odd names. Cool goddess names, not so cool god names. (Side note: I've been doing some research on Celtic mythology, some for the book I'm writing and some because it started to interest me. Although, for those wondering, it does explain where "Arthur" and "Merlin" and even "Lugos" and "Dylan" came from!) So I picked Oscar. The name means "deer lover" and in Irish mythology Oscar was said to be a mighty hunter.

Yep. He's a hunter alright!

The one thing I forgot was how much work it can be to housebreak a puppy. That's OK, though. This one is mine! *smile!*


Anonymous said...

Really cool!

JenBin said...

Thanks, Mom!

Stephanie said...

Oh he's SO cute! I finally have one of my own too. It's so much fun. Can't wait to see more pictures!

JenBin said...

He *is* a cutie! And he doesn't mind if I knit things for him... unlike the two-legged kid. *grin*

Stephanie said...

he he ... Pups are good for that!