Sunday, April 09, 2006

Been a busy week, but the weather is BEAUTIFUL!! My loving hubby got me a barrel planter and this is what I've done so far. I'm thinking I'll plant some more of those English Daisies (don't they look like pretty dandilions?) when I'm sure there won't be a frost. I also planted some "Dragon's Blood" and some Phylox near our driveway.

The house is finally sided. I'm so glad not to have to paint ever again. I won't be so glad to pay the loan, but it wasn't that bad and it did need to be done, so what can you say?

With the great weather, I have gotten some geocaching done. Although, getting a new GPS was a great reason to go out and test it!!!

Am working on chapter 7 of the mystery novel I did for NaNoWriMo. This is total re-write mode. Some of what I wrote is really good, but some is just .... well, you get the picture. I don't know what I'd do without my critique group. They really help me turn the crap into something I can use. This dream of being an author might actually come true one of these days!

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